WE ARE Anirban library
Established: 1990
Instability and decay of values characterize modern life. Salvation lies in self-development. Only diversified efforts can make self-development possible. Self-development of individuals is certainly the way to quicken the overall development of the society. The inception of Anirban library upholds this spirit of social development and has widely been recognized as a ‘lighthouse’ in a region – deprived of the light of development. It is a non-profitable, non-political, voluntary, charitable institution aiming at accelerating positive change in the society through imparting values, providing support for education, ensuring basic healthcare, poverty elevation and ensuring access to information technology.

The Startup Story:
Mahmudkati, a remote village – about 70 km away from the district headquarter Khulna, is on the Kapotakshi flowing with the reminiscence of Michael Modhusudan, the great Bangla epic poet. Electricity miserably failed to eradicate darkness from the village. Life here was confined in the prison house of deprivation. Young generation was being misled by the allure of drugs, getting enmeshed in the cobweb. Joydeb Kumar Bhadra, the then student of Rajshahi University(Presently working as Addl. DIG in Sylhet Range), along with some of his friends came forward with an initiative for the deliverance of the young generation and set up a library at the village to light the torch of hope. It commences the journey on 10 December, 1990 with the commitment of building up a new generation that will uphold the spirit of the War of Liberation. It creates vibrancy in the quiet pastoral life through uniting the educated people, collecting old books going from door to door, arranging study- meet for the school and college going students, organizing social and cultural programs. Since its inception, it has been able to assert its existence even beyond its command area. Today it is a celebrated name across the country. The renowned national dailies including the Prothom Alo, Kaler Kontho Sangbad, and Inquilab have published reports on this library. Even electronic media including BTV has telecast program on it.
Anirban Library came into being with a view to building an enlightened society and leading the young generation to the path of values, morality and righteousness. At the same time it is working forproviding monetary and other supports to poor but talented students, providing free medical facilities both physicians advice and medicine to poor people, especially children, women and elderly citizens. The institution is playing an active part keeping eye at some specific goals:
- Flourish of talent and creativity, change in outlook of the young generation and thereby accelerating social change.
- Developing a habit of reading books, newspapers, magazines in the young generation.
- Developing the ability of using IT media including internet and thereby building up a skilled and smart generation through its own Computer Lab.
- Helping the poor but brilliant students continue their education through awarding scholarship and related assistance. It is also providing more than 600 school dress for the elementary level every year.
- Conducting adult education program targeting to achieve 100% literacy.
- Ensuring free medical service to the poor people, especially women and children through conducting free medical camp.
- Raising awareness among the rural people about health and sanitation through conducting workshops and seminars with the participation of experts.
- Making a cultured generation powered by patriotism and building knowledge – based society through organizing cultural and discussion programs on different national and international days of importance.
- Developing thinking and analytical power in the learners of the new generation through conducting ‘Study Groups’.
- Building a confident generation through their participation in composition writing contest and debate competition.
- Developing social values and ethics among the young generation through different programs and campaigns.
- Growing concept of safe environment and gender equity in the marginal people.
- Minimizing child and mother mortality rate through imparting idea of health and nutrition.
- Growing a clean, green and safe environment through tree plantation program.
- Making the social and religious festivals enjoyable to the poor people through distributing food and clothes.
Major Activities:
The followings are the programs that are being undertaken and accomplished to reach the goal of building up a community that will be aware of the quality of life, society and environment:
- Anybody can read books, newspapers, magazines and use computer sitting here from 4 pm to 9 pm. Books can also be borrowed for one week. There is a collection of more than 7000 books; 4 newspapers including one English newspaper are kept here.
- One hour free tutorial daily at library premises for poor but brilliant students. One hour adult education from 7 pm to 8 pm daily to eradicate illiteracy.
- Free Friday Clinic is conducted by an experienced general Physician where medicine are also given free to ultra poor people, especially for women, children and elderly citizens are given more attention.
- Arranging cultural programs, discussion meetings on different national & international days of importance.
- Arranging workshop, seminar by physicians once in a month to make people aware of health & hygiene.
- Conducting ‘Study Circle’ for the students of different levels to improve their analytical power and power of thinking.
- Providing free short training on computer operation & internet browsing.
- Providing information and tips to the young people regarding agriculture, education, health and job related issues through seminar and workshop.
- Imparting training on dance, music, recitation and drawing to children and arranging cultural programs on different occasions.
- Publication of periodicals for creativity development of the young learners.
- Donating poor people with food & clothes on different occasions.
- Yearly tree plantation program to keep the area green and protect the environment.
- Extending help to the affected people through relief work at the time of natural disasters.
14 Blood donation by Anirban Blood for Life, a part of this organization where 150 volunteers are enlisted